Patented Hi-Cyclone Biomass Drying and Combustion Technology helps with the wettest of fuels.

Solid fuel boilers, such as biomass and crushed/stoker coal, etc. burn high moisture fuels of various heating values and contaminants (i.e. sand, rock, dirt, sulfur).  High levels of Un-Burned Carbon (UBC), excess airflow, high carryover, high under grate (primary) airflow, etc. create challenges for operation and opportunities for economic improvement.  SHB can modify these difficult boilers to run with greater stability and steam production with more optimum (cost conscious) fuel usage resulting in improved responses to plant steam and electrical demands with less destructive conditions.  We can also modify problem boilers to burn low-cost fuels such as biomass, bagasse and crushed coal. 

Our combustor can be used for any kind of biomass waste, including food waste.  It was originally developed for the sugar cane industry, to burn/incinerate cane trash (stems, leaves, etc) and bagasse (cane stalks after they have been squeezed).  In both cases, the biomass is burned in an oxygen starved environment, converting the biomass to gas, which is then diverted to an existing “host” boiler, where oxygen is introduced with the gases and completely burned out in a way to generate steam.  In our Hi-Cyclone boiler the combustor makes up the lower part of the boiler where the gases are generated and burned within the same unit generating steam for process and power generation.  This technology will burn/incinerate biomass fuels that are a by-product of the agricultural business. We are currently having discussions with countries outside the US about this technology that have food waste problems.

With over 150 combined years of experience in power plants and the Pulp and Paper Industry SHB has engineered solutions for the best combustion of fossil and biomass fuels.  Our technologies improve boiler stability, steaming rates, thermal efficiencies, fuel flexibility, reduce expensive fuel usage, problematic carryover and emissions.  We can virtually eliminate sand carryover and subsequent erosion typically found on biomass boiler, even while increasing the load rate.  Our expertise incudes Bubbling Fluidized Bed (BFB) Boilers, Grate Fired Boilers, Chemical Recovery Boilers and Coal Fired Boilers. 


Combustor improves what you already have!

+ 40% in efficiency gain

Reduces sand carryover +90%

99%+ Fuel burnout

+ 40% - + 60% Steam Generation Capacity

Capability of 100% Cane Trash fuel burning to keep boiler on-line, off-season

Lower investment requirements

Improves flying fuel burnout and the boiler efficiency

Simplifies operations with lower risk.

Eliminates ash carryover to convective section.

Rapid fuel pre-drying using waste heat flue gases after ID fan

Multi-level cyclonic action pushes flying fuel to wall boundary to increase residence time.

Multi-level airflow injection places airflow against the walls were fuel is pre-positioned.

Increases lower furnace temperatures to improve combustion stability, and generation capacity.